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Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy
10029 East 126th Street, Suite D, Fishers, IN


Dec 21 2023 - Feb 15 2024


9:45 am - 10:30 am



Music Together – Thursday 9:45am

Music Toegether with Amanda – Infants to 5 year olds


To register, scroll to end of page or click button.

Class:. Meets once per week for 45 minutes.
Program Fee:. $35 non-refundable.
Withdrawal/Refund:  Once first class starts 100% of registration fee is non-refundable.

* Click Policy Button for complete explanation of youth theater expectations and policies.

Music Together Policy

Music Together with Amanda is an early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age eight-and the grownups who love them!  We are on a mission to make the world a better place by making it more musical.  We do this by providing the highest-quality music and movement classes to families everywhere.  First offered in 1987, our classes help little ones develop their innate musicality and much, much more.

The mixed age classes are the heart of Music Together®. Children from birth through five years old along with parents and/or caregivers meet 45 minutes per week to experience new songs, chants, fingerplay activities, and instrumental jam sessions. Because young children instinctively respond to and imitate their loved ones, the active participation of parents and caregivers – regardless of musical ability – is an essential part of the rich musical environment we create!

Very young children learn best through play, so we foster an enjoyable, easy atmosphere where you and your child will have many opportunities to create and play – making up new words to songs, improvising rhythms, dancing freely, or simply observing and taking it all in. Music Together is the perfect family activity in Fishers.

For full explanation of the Music Together program please refer to Amanda’s website:

Hourly Schedule

October 26

November 2

November 9

November 16

November 30

December 7

December 14

December 21