
Rock Band Class for 4 to 7 Year Olds
Kidzrock is a licensed program exclusive to Meridian Music School and Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy (in Fishers). This program teaches children between the ages of 4 to 7 to play real instruments in a real rock band! Each band has three to five band members who learn to play guitar, piano, and drums. The young rockers will have a great time making friends while learning musicality, basics of music instruments, rhythm, and other musical skills all while learning to play in harmony with the bandmates!
Class Info
Band practice is every week for 45 minutes. Original members of each band will get to choose their own band name. Individual players can stop the class (leave the band) any time or possibly join existing band with an opening.
Practice Times
Currently the only practices are offered in Fishers at Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy, but Kidzrock band practices will be coming to Meridian Music in the near future!

Our Location
845 W. Carmel Drive
(Turn South on Hancock St.)
Carmel, IN 46032