Summer Camps

youth theater annie

Youth Theater – “Show In A Week!”

Meridian Music School offers youth theater summer camp for ages 7 and up!  Our Show In A Week is a full, age-appropriate, musical just like our Fall and Spring productions, but our all day summer camps fully rehearse, block, and stage the show in just one week!  These summer camps involve the same experience for the young actors and actresses including singing, dancing, choreography, costumes, and make-up!

What To Expect

The camp runs Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm.

Children should bring a non-refrigerated lunch, snacks, and a water bottle.

Program fee includes T-Shirt, script, practice song tracks, and five full day rehearsals.  It all culminates in a ticketed show on Friday night.

The Summer Camp will be at Meridian Music School in Goodwin Hall.

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