Full Synopsis
Professor Harold Hill, a fast-talking traveling salesman with a shady reputation (“Rock Island”), arrives in River City, Iowa, on the morning of July 4, 1912. Hill moves from town to town, selling musical instruments, uniforms and the promise of forming a boy’s band. Hill is a crafty character whose standard procedure is to leave town with the money he collects before anyone is able to discover he cannot read music. The townspeople greet each other and sing with pride about their inflexible nature (“Iowa Stubborn”). As they disperse, Hill enters the scene and begins to focus attention on the need for a boy’s band and the trouble that has entered River City in the shape of a pool table (“Ya Got Trouble”).
An old friend has warned Harold about Marian, the willful town librarian and music teacher. After her first encounter with Harold, Marian speaks about his unwanted advances to her mother, Mrs. Paroo. Mrs. Paroo scolds Marian for not speaking to the man and criticizes Marian’s high expectations (“Piano Lesson”). Marian reflects on her plight while listening to her young piano student, Amaryllis, practicing a piano lesson (“Goodnight, My Someone”). Later at the Fourth of July celebration, Harold steals the crowd’s attention to move in and sell his band idea (“Seventy-Six Trombones”). Mayor Shinn pushes for proper credentials from Harold.
Harold follows Marian to the library, where she warns him that she will check his credentials. The ladies in town gossip about the charming newcomer (“Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little”).
Character Breakdown
Harold Hill is a huge role and the essence of The Music Man KIDS. Cast an actor who has charisma and charm and is not afraid to take a positive risk onstage. He should be a good singer and mover and also have excellent acting chops. It is ideal if he has an excellent sense of rhythm. Your harold should pair up well with Marian, and the two together should exude a spark of excitement.
Marian Paroo begins as an uptight librarian and transforms into a beautiful, trusting young woman. Marian should be a strong singer and actor, and also be able to move well. She must have an air of cofidence that draws Harold to her. Take some time during auditions to try different pairs of Harolds and Marians together until you reach the perfect combination.
Charlie Cowell is a Traveling Salesman, and is one of the premium acting-only roles in The Music Man KIDS. If you decide to have the actor playing Charlie also perform in the ensemble, take note to make sure he is not playing Charlie in those scenes. Cast a strong actor with a loud voice. Charlie should have a sense of confidence and love being onstage!
Mayor Shinn should be able to perform his role as proud politician very seriously, yet have a sense of comic timing. This actor does not have to sung or dance, but is responsible for a great deal of pacing and line pick-ups in the show. Don’t be afraid to cast a physically small acotr in this role, provided he can authoritative – it can bring down the house!
Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn is a great role for a comic actress! If Eulalie takes herself seriously your audience will find her hysterical. She does have some singing and some moving, but creating a “larger than life” character that works with your Mayor Shinn is essential. Consider contrasting your physically small Mayor Shinn with a tall Eulalie for even more comic brilliance.
Marcellus Washburn is the classic sidekick to Harold. His big number is “Shipoopi,” so he should be a good singer, a great actor and be able to dance. Cast a kid who is natually funny and you will have a terrific Marcellus.
Mrs. Paroo is a good mother, stands up for what she beieves and gently pushes Marian to think of her future. The role requires an actress who can sing and act. However, she deosnt need to have a polished voice – the more character the better! Take into consideration your actress’s ability to look maternal with Winthrop and Marian.
Winthrop is Marian’s shy younger brother who hardly talks because of his pronounced lisp. This is a great role for a young performer who is a good actor. Winthrop transforms from shy to outspoken, and not only sings but dances!
Amaryllis is Marian’s slightly bratty, young piano student who has a crush on Winthrop. This is a great place to feature a young actor who is not quite ready for a large part, or who doesn’t have a strong singing voice. Cast a girl who is a good actor and similar in size to Winthrop and Gracie.
Tommy is the teen heartthrob in the show and a non-singing role. Cast a boy that can dance and create a strong character. Tommy’s love interest is Zaneeta, so make sure the two characters have chemistry between them.
Zaneeta Shinn is the oldest and slightly daffy daughter of the Mayor and Eulalie. Cast a girl who is a strong dancer. Although this is a non-singing role, a well-ast Zaneeta will gain mileage out of her classic “Ye gads!” line.
Gracie is Zaneeta’s little sister and the youngest daughter of the Mayor and Eulalie. The actor has few lines of dialogue, and if she is a good singer, she would be a fine choice to sing the first solo in “The Wells Fargo Wagon.”
Ethel is Marcellus’s girlfriend. She’s described by Marcellus as “a nice comfortable girl and the bosses’ niece.” Ethel has some acting, some singing, and some dancing. Ethel is also one of the solo Pick-a-Little ladies. Make sure she and Marcellus look good together, think Ethel and Fred from I Love Lucy!
Alma Hix, Maud Dunlop and Mrs. Squires. The Pick-A-Little ladies are the gossip queens of River City. These characters need to act, sing and move well. Cast girls with strong voices and a good sense of cominc timing. The supplemental Pick-A-Little ladies are ideal parts for your abundance of girls.
Constable Locke is River City’s chief law enforcement officer. He is a quiet, wise man who sees through Harold, yet doesn’t seem to take Harold’s antics too seriously. No singing or dancing is required for this role.
Song list
- Rock Island
- Iowa Stubborn
- Ya Got Trouble (Part 1)
- Ya Got Trouble (Part 2)
- Piano Lesson/If You Don’t Mind
- Goodnight, My Someone
- Columbia, Gem of the Ocean
- Seventy-Six Trombones
- Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little
- The Wells Fargo Wagon
- Shipoopi
- Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little (Reprise)
- Gary, Indiana
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